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Close Kingston  .  Lake Fleet  .  Navy  .  Bridge  .  Grenadier
Eastward  .  Gananoqe  .  Ivy Lee  .  Brockville

Thousand Island Bridge

Bridge Area

Canadian Hydrographic Charts 1438, 1439
Bridge Islands
# 1  on map as Constance Isl
# 2  on map as
Georgina Isl
# 3  on map as Hill Isl
# 4  on map as Raft Narrows begins on the eastern side of the Ivy Lea Bridge.
# 5  on map as Wallace Island Small craft channel runs north of here.
# 6  on map as Ash Island

Grenadier Island

Canadian Hydrographic Charts charts 1436,1437
Grenadier Island
# 1  on map as Tar Isl passage is not recommended for most cruising boats
# 2  on map as Grenadier Isl. Park S. between Doctor Island and the larger Little Grenadier Island is surprising & old.
# 3  on map as Hooper Isl has a sheltered anchorage in the bay between it and Shanty Island
# 4  on map as Slim Isl protected from St Lawrence by a string of small island and shoals
# 5  on map as Long Schooner Islclose off the channel sheltered from prevailing wind.
# 6  on map as Adelaide Isl IS just off the map to the east and.

Close Kingston  .  Lake Fleet  .  Navy  .  Bridge  .  Grenadier
Eastward  .  Gananoqe  .  Ivy Lee  .  Brockville

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